Calendrier des jours de réception / livraison - Delivery days Tab

In ACUITY Laundry, for each customer created, there is a tab called delivery days / jours de livraison



This tab has multiple purposes :

For customers ordering through the WOC : define the enabled delivery days for the customer

  • 2 important points to take into account

  • First point :

    • in this case, receiving day will be interpreted as “ordering day” and need to be filled accurately :

    • In the exemple below : if the customer connects to the WOC on monday, he will only be able to order for the next Friday, or monday 7days after or tuesday 8 days after, because monday is not configured as receiving/ordering weekday → acuity considers the next receiving/ordering weekday configured that is Tuesday, and the first corresponding delivery day is Friday


    • image-20240612-135052.png

      if you want to enable the customer to order on Monday and ask for a delivery on the next day Tuesday, then you need to add a line Monday / Tuesday



This delivery days calendar has NO IMPACT on the delivery days that the user can select on the Smart Reader user interface, for a shipping process for instance. The user can select any delivery day, from today to each 7 upcoming days




For customers set in DEDICATED mode (automatic order based on soiled receptions) : associate a future delivery day for soiled items received at the laundry


Same principles applies : with the same above exemple of calendar :

  • soiled receptions on monday will create an order to deliver on Friday

  • soiled receptions on Tuesday will complete the soiled receptions of Monday and increase the Quantities of the same order to deliver on Friday

  • If a parameter Heure maximale pour respecter le planning du jour is set to 2PM, then soiled receptions on Tuesday after 2PM will create another order, for the next delivery day = next monday