How to load, save workspace on your L400 / L40 reader and put it in Standalone mode ?

How to load, save workspace on your L400 / L40 reader and put it in Standalone mode ?

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This document will show you how to load and save a workspace on your reader, and put it in Standalone mode if required.

First connect to the reader, and right click on Not set @ Not Set (INVENGO Medio L40 or L400)

Then, the following window appears. Click on “Select…”.

Select the wanted workspace on your computer.


Then, click on Load.

To establish this document, we use this example: Multiplexer on 4 channels to read ISO15693 tags.

Now, you can easily check if your workspace is rightly loaded. Click on the RF symbol and have a look on the “Multiplexer” tab as sketched below.

We can also check if in the “Read Mode” tab, “Enable Multiplexer” is enabled.

We can now introduce how to save a workspace after setting your RFID reader. It is exactly the same way to proceed excepted you chose “Save configuration” instead of “Load configuration”.


Then, the steps are similar, chose the location for the .xml file and validate it by clicking on “Save”.

Now, we are going to put our system in Standalone Mode i.e an automatic mode. To do that, click on the house symbol.

The following window appears.


Thanks to this window, you can also set your frame format if you need a particular one.

You can now click on “Enable Standalone Mode”.

Your RFID reader is now in Standalone mode (automatic. You can quit Invengo Explorer and put the reader in your particular system.


Version française:



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