How to drive my Invengo HF Tunnel?
Thanks to this article, you can start developping your own software with theInvengo HF Tunnel.
First of all, please find a workspace showing you the default settings implemented on the Invengo HF Tunnel. They are typically established to read ISO15693 chip. It is the attached XML file.
To load it, please follow the instructions contained in this article:
How to load, save workspace on your L400 / L40 reader and put it in Standalone mode ?
To develop your own software, please find an attached sample code. However, do not forget to:
Change parameters to match with the given worskpace.
Replace «eventMask |= (Radio.EventMask.TagRead | Radio.EventMask.TagNew)» by «eventMask |= Radio.EventMask.TagNew» (to only see new tags)
Delete all specificities of the L400. (LCD,...)
Replace radio.ReadSetModeMask(Radio.ReadModeMask.Multiplexer) by Radio.ReadSetModeMask(Radio.ReadModeMask.Multiplexer | Radio.ReadModeMask.Tunnel) to activate jacks.