[EN] - Smart Reader Admin User Guide
Smartreader-admin is a small program that allows to:
find smartreaders in a subnetwork
see the status of smartreaders
compare installations (versions and plugin settings)
The smartreader-admin is installed by default on our hubs. http://x.y.z.w/
You can also install it on your PC.
unzip the file smartreader-admin-Win32-Vx.y.z.zip
The smartreader-admin is a program that you have to run every time you need it. It cannot be installed as a windows service.
First launch
Double click on smartreader-admin.exe
smartreader-admin.exe launches 2 programs:
a server (written in Go) that manages the search and retrieval of statuses
Google Chrome to display and interact with smartreaders.
By default, no smartreader is detected:
Start the smartreader search by pressing the magnifying glass in the upper right corner
Enter the subnet you want to explore
If necessary, acknowledge the Windows security window.
The following icons will appear at the bottom of each station :
allows you to access the Home page of the station
allows you to access the station's configuration page (Market)
Indicates the current status of the player: Blue playing, Gold paused, Red disconnected
Indicates if the Registration plugin is installed. Blue : Installed, Red, not installed
Allows access to the station's logs. Blue: no recent errors, Red: errors are present in the logs
Allows the restart or stop of some elements:
smartreader-admin is a web server that starts by default on port 81. If this port is already used on your PC, you will not be able to start.
You can change the port in the configuration file conf/config.yaml
You can also change the default browser.