[EN] - Commissioning - User's Guide

[EN] - Commissioning - User's Guide


Acuity Administration Webportal manages the configuration of sites, products and invoicing policies



Dedicated to

Users are administrators

Major features


This application manages parameters useful for the other webportal modules (Customer, Laundry, Dispatch), including:


  • Creation of site

  • Creation of product categories

  • Creation of products

  • Allocation of stock threshold for customer sites

  • Specification of delivery days per customer

  • Assignment of rights for weborder portal use

  • Secured access with username / password authentication

Configure Site



Tabs :



Customer Data

Main customer data



Wearers groups

Groups where wearers are defined

Stock thresholds

Declare here the products allowed to be ordered for the site

Delivery days

Declare here the linen delivery days

User accounts

Define here credentials for the WOC users


Used in web order invoice

Stock variations

Used in web order invoice


Parameters used in web order customer portal (WOC) :



Can order flat linen

Allows the customer to order flat linen

Can order by ward

Defines if orders will be done only by ward

Limit order quantities

Allows to define the minimum and maximum quantities that can be ordered by a customer

Allow standing orders

Allows the customer to create standing orders in webportal customer

Can display inventories

Allows to make inventories through WOC



Create a new site

Declare site and parameters


Weborder - Initialization

In order to display the orders of a site in WebOrder portal (https://order.acuity-cloud.com/), configuration must be the following in Acuity Administration (https://commissioning.acuity-cloud.com/ ) :

Orders : This value allows the display of “not ordered” orders in weborder administration portal

Web portal enabled : Gives customer access to the webportal

Configure the Options

Site created


Configure Category

Create a product category

Edit Category

Configure Product

Create products


Products can be added either on site (stock threshold) or on each ward of the site if orders are done by ward.


Customer will only be able to order products that are declared in Acuity Administration.

Administrator can order additional products in Web Order Admin (even if the products are not declared in the customer stock).


Laundry can limit minimum and maximum quantities that can be ordered by the customers, using the option ‘Limit order quantities’.

Add stock threshold on a site

  • Products can be added at the level of the site (stock threshold) or on each ward of the site if orders are done by ward.

  • Customer will only be able to order products that are declared in Acuity Administration.


Add delivery day on a site




  Owner of the tags of the system (laundry/hospital)


  Customer of the organization


  Departments, services of customers. Also named ‘zones’


  Type of linen 


  Grouping of products

Stock threshold

  List of products defined in contracts with customer 

Stock Max

  Maximum of products a customer should have (including clean and soiled)

Stock Min 

  Minimum of products a customer must have in his stock (except rooms)


  Stack of linen