Versions Compared


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To load it, please follow the instructions contained in this article:

How to load, save workspace on your L400 / L40 reader and put it in Standalone mode ?

To develop your own software, please find an attached sample code. However, do not forget to:

  • Change parameters to match with the given worskpace.

  • Replace  Â«eventMask |= (Radio.EventMask.TagRead | Radio.EventMask.TagNew)» by «eventMask |= Radio.EventMask.TagNew» (to only see new tags)

  • Delete all specificities of the L400. (LCD,...)

  • Replace radio.ReadSetModeMask(Radio.ReadModeMask.Multiplexer) by Radio.ReadSetModeMask(Radio.ReadModeMask.Multiplexer | Radio.ReadModeMask.Tunnel) to activate jacks.

View file
View file
nameL40_standalone 370 DL tunnel 50x50.xml