WOC - 1.3.1
Publication date: 2021-10-07
Description | Overview |
Display RFID stock in customer portal. Stock is exported once a day and is based on RFID shipping. | |
Allow to input non RFID inventory | |
Display RFID inventory. RFID inventory must be done with Acuity Tracking and is published in customer portal in less than 15 minutes. | |
Allow to create an order based on an inventory (RFID or non RFID) | Here is a tutorial on how to use this feature COMMANDE BASEE SUR UN INVENTAIRE RFID (tutorial made for Peninsula Hotel, customer of LOUVRELINGE_PARIS orga   |
Description | Overview |
English translations | Â |
Bug fix
Description |
ASD-3150: [WOC] Edit an order (Order limit in days) |