Which values are possible for trolley status?
Which values are possible for trolley status?
What is the definition of trolley status?
1. Delivered
The trolley have been delivered to the customer.
This is the normal status if the delivery succeed.
2. Not loaded trolleys
Trolleys available during loading but not loaded.
Driver has to enter a comment to explain the reason.
If the trolley is finally delivered, comment will be removed, and trolley will be considered as “Delivered”
3. Not delivered
Trolleys loaded but not delivered (not accepted by the customer, not found in the truck, no more space at customer site….).
Driver has to enter a comment to explain the reason.
4. Empty trolley delivered
Empty trolleys delivered. Added during delivery.
5. Soiled collected
Soiled trolleys collected during delivery.
6. Unknown
This status is used for all other status. If you can see this status, your report is probably not up to date.
, multiple selections available,
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