Encoding with password option (EN)

Encoding with password option (EN)


Encoding with password option associates tags to a product reference and makes impossible the update of the serial number after encoding.


When you fill the field EXISTING PASSWORD with a value, during the encoding process ACUITY will be able to encode a mixt population of tags unlocked and tags locked with the existing password


Typical Encoding Passwords found in the field

Sometimes a customer cannot succeed in encoding some tags with ACUITY stations

This can be due to tags locked with an existing password (that locks the current EPC and prevents overwriting)

To solve the issue, the value of this password needs to be set as EXISTING PASSWORD


Passwords that can be found on Datamars tags :

  • 27339506 : Elis/Berendsen

  • DA7A3A85


Passwords that can be found on Invengo or HID tags sold with custom encoding format

  • 16963038 : 2TRACE/DFD

  • 01A12AF2

  • 15016213

  • 16963038

  • 29190623

  • FC7DA9



When a tag is locked with a password, the access to the password itseld may be locked or unlocked


Exemple, when using the od Tagsys Mass Encoding Tool, you can write a new access password in a tag, and you can choose if you want this access password to be visible or not (when using Multireader tool)

The 2 options for that are

  • write a new access password

  • new AP locked




If the access to the write protection password is not locked, then there is a way to find the write protection password of a tag using Impinj Multireader Sorftware

Read the tag (dual target session 0)

Then right click on the EPC and Select Tag Memory

Then adjust the word count at 4 and click oin Read Tag

You can see the value of the current password (ffff ffff in the exemple below)

If the access to the write protection password itself is protected, then some x are display instead :