Users are administrators, they are in charge of creating or updating orders.
They can create orders when the hotel forgot to create them.
Secured access with username / password authentication: only authorized users with administrator rights can access to WOA.
Orders created in WebOrder Customer are visible in WOA.
Major features
Creation/updates of orders
Search an order
Copy of last order to generate a new order
Display of orders of customers that have not yet created the orders
Visual indication of order status:
In Progress
Ready or Partial
Alerts regarding maximum quantities to order by site, minimum quantities, bundle size
Weight estimation per order and per delivery day
Route associated to the order
Display of paused customers
Main actions:
Delivery day : Days of the week corresponding to the delivery days of the customers.
Create a new order : If the customer is not in the list, this button allows to create a new order for a specific customer. Products are retrieved from commissioning and displayed on the right side of the screen
Previous/Next order : Display the order previously/next present in the left side list
Completed and close : Complete the prepared quantities with values of to prepare quantities and close the order as all linen has been prepared.
Edit : Edit the current order
on a not ordered order, allows to create the order entering to prepare quantities
on a validated order, allows to enter prepared quantities
on a ready or partial order, allows to unclose products and modify prepared quantities
Change order : Change the TO PREPARE quantities. Order is updated to pending status. Need to validate it afterwards.
Print : Allow to print the delivery note, download a pdf or send an email.
Update an order
Not ordered
Customer should create an order
on going order. After change order action.. Order needs to be validated afterwards.
Order is ready to be prepared, delivery note can be printed
In Progress
All products are not prepared
Ready or Partial
order is prepared and prepared quantities = to prepare quantities
order is prepared and prepared quantities < to prepare quantities
order is delivered to the customer
Orders are automatically created depending on stock
Same linen going into laundry is given back to the customer
Orders are created based on quantity of received linen