[EN] - Commissioning - Import/Export



Minimal version : Acuity Administration WebAdmin1.2.0-50


In order to have an easy way to enter commissioning data in Acuity administration, a new feature has been added to import or export an xls commissioning file.

This new feature is accessible by clicking on Import/Export icon (yellow on picture).

If customer doesn’t exist in the database:

  • Customer is added

  • Imported components related to this customer are added

If customer already exists in the database:

  • Imported components related to this customer are updated

If customer exists in the database and is no more present in the import file

  • Customer is not deleted in the database


Excel File Template

The file to be imported must comply with the following template :



Export commissioning data :

  1. Select the components to be exported

  2. Click on “Export” button.
    This will download an excel file with the data of the selected components. The file name is made up with the name of the organization and the date when the file was generated.

Export commissioning template :

  1. Click on “Export commissioning template” button.
    This will download the current version of the commissioning template file.


Choose a commissioning file to import.

  1. Select which components need to be imported by clicking on one or several tabs (Product categories, Products, Sites, Delivery day, Stock)

  2. Enable/Disable the simulation mode

  3. Click on import button

For each imported component, a report is generated :

The report contains :

  • Summary :

    • NB of lines updated OK

    • NB of lines updated KO

    • NB of parsing errors

    • NB of loading errors

  • Errors details :

    • Missing values : Excel line + description

    • Unicity constraints : Excel line + description

  • Rejected lines :

    • Excel line + description

In simulation mode enabled, the data will not be saved in database.

The simulation mode is useful when the user needs to validate the data commissioning :

  • Checks on Required constraints values

  • Checks on Unicity constraints values

  • Checks on Business Logic constraints

If simulation mode is not activated, data will be saved in database.


Following components are not imported:

  • Zones

  • Users

  • Taxes

  • Invoicing Policies

  • Wearers

  • Parent category