Acuity Report - Hotel - Workwear (EN)
Purpose of the report
The purpose of this report is to give an overview on your Workwear’s stock. To whom his he assigned, where his he, since when. It also track the workwear movements.
Uniforms Stock tab
In the table, you can see the following info:
Wearer (if the linen is assigned, if not it will display “Not assigned”)
Uniforms count
Delivered by Laundry
New @ Hotel
Stock @ Hotel
Soiled @ Returned
Soiled @ Chute
Total @ Hotel
At Laundry
On the right side, you have two pie charts:
The first one display the repartition of workwear assigned vs not assigned
The second one display the repartition of the linen (New @ Hotel, Delivered by Laundry, At Laundry, Stock @ Hotel etc.).
At the bottom you can see :
The workwear repartition per washing cycle
The workwear repartition per number of days held at the hotel
The workwear repartition per number of days held at the laundry
Uniforms allocation Tab
In the table you can see the following info:
Product Category
Allocation Day
Unallocation Day
Uniforms Weekly Check-In / Check-Out Tab
In the table you can see, for each wearer and each day the quantity received from the laundry and the quantity sent back to the laundry.
Weekly Uniforms Shipped Tab
For the selected week (in the filter), you can see in the table, for each wearer and each product the quantity received, the quantity shipped to the laundry for each day of the week, the washing price configured and the total price (based on the quantity shipped and the washing price).