[EN] - How to recover Acuity Tracking application logs
Whenever you have issues with Acuity Tracking application, our support team will need to recover the app’s logs to analyze the issue you are reporting.
In order to recover the application logs, please follow below steps:
Install TeamViewer Quicksupport on your phone from Google Play Store
Connect to your phone using normal TeamViewer from your own laptop and accept the request to allow remote support on your phone.
Then, access phone’s settings -> My Files -> Internal storage
Search invengo folder
Once you located Invengo folder, go to File transfer in the left upper corner of your Teamviewer (on your laptop) and copy the folder invengo folder to your computer.
Then, you can archive it and send it to us via email at support.tcas@hidglobal.com so that we can analyze the logs. We would then be able to see what is the issue in your particular case.