Contrat - Commandes : Cette valeur du champ contrat permet de générer en automatique des commandes “non commandées” dans le portail d’administration WOA.
Portail web activé : Donne un accès client au portail de commandes
Configurer les Options
Configurer les catégories de produits
Create a product category
Edit Category
Configure Product
Create products
Products can be added either on site (stock threshold) or on each ward of the site if orders are done by ward.
Customer will only be able to order products that are declared in Acuity Administration.
Administrator can order additional products (even if the products are not declared in the customer stock).
Laundry can limit minimum and maximum quantities that can be ordered by the customers, using the option ‘Limit order quantities’.
Add stock threshold on a site
Products can be added at the level of the site (stock threshold) or on each ward of the site if orders are done by ward.
Customer will only be able to order products that are declared in Acuity Administration.
Add delivery day on a site
No files shared here yet.
Owner of the tags of the system (laundry/hospital)
Customer of the organization
Departments, services of customers. Also named ‘zones’
Type of linen
Grouping of products
Stock threshold
List of products defined in contracts with customer
Stock Max
Maximum of products a customer should have (including clean and soiled)
Stock Min
Minimum of products a customer must have in his stock (except rooms)